Hair and Makeup Artist Service Agreement: 3 Things to Include

Contemporary art collage featuring a conceptual image of a male hand holding a pencil while hovering over layered pieces of paper. It visualizes the need for clients to sign your hair and makeup artist service agreement so they can agree to your makeup artist terms and conditions.

Why are hair and makeup artist service agreements important?  In nearly every service industry, providers establish terms that protect themselves and their clients in worst case scenarios. You encounter them often as a consumer—when you’re joining a new gym or sending your kid to a new daycare, for example. In a conflict, the purpose of…

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Burning up: Risks and Dangers of Nail Salons

Calm salon floor with white and yellow candles and flowers, a carpet, and a white and brown bowl of water. Pedicure client places feet in the water, near hovering steam and a graphic of a red thermometer. Portrays the risks and dangers of nail salon burns from hot water.

The moisturizing, the rejuvenating, the refreshing: All these cosmetic and therapeutic benefits can come with a paraffin wax. A good dip-and-sit leaves you with the  supple, soft skin of a baby. But a bad one? In 2010, one Maryland woman experienced the extreme end of nail salon risks. She dipped her hands in a hot…

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