Tanning Salon Specialists
You help your clients get that just-back-from-vacation glow without the sun damage. Now, that’s protecting your clients.
But who is protecting you?
With Tanning Salon Insurance, you’re covered from the risks associated with your daily work.
WellnessPro specializes in providing insurance for professional tanning salons, protecting you and your business from potential liability claims.

What does Tanning Salon Insurance cover?
Beauty Insurance plans with WellnessPro consist of General Liability and Professional Liability insurance, which provides financial coverage for claims resulting from injury or damage caused by your work.
While we politely bow out of the HVLP vs LVLP argument, rest assured that WellnessPro Insurance will cover you no matter which method or machine you prefer.

Who needs this coverage?
Unfortunately, spray tanning is not immune to dangers that can turn into claims.
There is always the risk of your client having an allergic reaction or tripping over a cord in the tanning booth that requires medical attention. Or the very real possibility of a client disliking the spray tan results and threatening you with a lawsuit.
Make sure you have protection in place ahead of time with General Liability and Professional Liability insurance with WellnessPro.

Reporting a Claim?
Contact us as soon as you get notice of a claim. We will then take all the information needed for the insurance company to handle your case.
There is no cost to you, and cases are settled with ease.
200+ Disciplines Covered
Under One Policy.
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