First Aid in a Salon: What Stylists and Owners Need to Know

A hair salon first aid kit displayed with gauze, scissors, band-aids, and other first aid safety supplies a hair salon might need.

Salon accidents can cause medical emergencies right there in your barbering chair. It’s happened to multiple Reddit users, and it could happen to you, too. For example, first aid in a salon can prove useful if: A client loses consciousness from fatigue, low blood sugar, heart attacks, or strokes. Someone slips, trips, or falls. Your…

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5 Ways to Make First-Time Massage Clients More Comfortable

A massage therapist smiles at a client getting a massage for the first time. She takes notes on paper and chats with the first-time massage client about how to make the massage client more comfortable.

First-time massage clients are a big deal. That first massage appointment is your chance to make a lasting impression. Getting a massage for the first time should be the kind of experience your new massage clients rave about. Make it a positive experience, and they’ll likely become repeat customers and refer you to their friends.…

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Lymphatic Drainage Massage Dangers and Side Effects

Massage therapist wearing scrubs performs a lymphatic system drainage massage on a client who’s covered with towels.

As a massage therapist or esthetician, have you studied the potential lymphatic drainage massage dangers?  Lymphatic system drainage massage (a.k.a. manual lymphatic drainage or MLD) is a gentle and relaxing technique. By lightly stretching the skin, it’s used to stimulate the lymphatic system, a group of organs, tissues, and vessels that balance bodily fluids and…

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Chemo and Hair Dye: How to Support and Protect Your Salon Clients

Person with short, pink hair stands strong and confident while observing themself in the mirror, presumably after finishing chemotherapy. Hair plays a key role in body positivity and self-image, leading many to seek hair coloring after chemotherapy or even dying hair while on chemo.

Is your hair salon prepared to tackle questions about chemo and hair dye? Hair dye and chemotherapy are difficult to address, because each person’s chemotherapy journey is so unique. You’re unlikely to hear the same story twice. There are different kinds of chemo for different conditions (like autoimmune diseases and blood disorders), and different reactions…

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Biofeedback Explained: How to Give Adequate Client Education About Biofeedback Massage

Illustration of a humanoid head and torso with multiple colored biofeedback massage therapy electrodes attached to the head, and waves of data coming from the electrodes.

From PTSD to ADHD, anorexia to anxiety, and chronic pain to chemotherapy side effects, your massage therapy clients can have serious emotional, psychological, and physiological conditions impeding their wellbeing. While not a replacement for medical doctors and mental health professionals, massage therapists like you can help relieve negative symptoms your clients experience by bettering their…

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How to Style Different Hair Types: A Stylist’s Guide to Straight, Wavy, and Curly Hair

Five women pose together in one photo, representing different types of hair and ethnicity. Learning how to style different hair types is crucial for inclusion and serving happy clients.

TikToker (@frmstephwluv) Stephanie loved her professional silk press—until she washed her hair. Post-wash, her natural curls were gone. “As someone who’s been on a natural hair journey for years, this was absolutely devastating,” Stephanie said. “To go to someone that’s a professional and come out with fried, heat-damaged hair—I could cry about it.” Model Kamie…

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