Bad Hair Dye and Color Jobs

Woman looks bewildered at her short, botched red hair as if considering hair salon lawsuits. A hair color consultation form can prevent bad hair dye and color job claims and these pictures of bad hair dye jobs.

Everyone has those friends who cry every time they get their hair cut. But for some clients, color can cause an emotional rollercoaster, too—whether the hair dye and color jobs turn out good or bad. Twenty years into living blonde, one woman transitioned her hair color with the help of color analysis expert Carol Brailey.…

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Barber Problems: Top 5 Hair Salon Lawsuits You Need to Know About

Man in a barbershop or salon chair with a shocked expression while his barber or hairstylist seems to accidentally cut him with clippers. A bad cut could lead to a hair salon lawsuit or barber problem.

It’s hard to imagine barber problems and hair salon lawsuits when barbershops and salons, themselves, have always been places of community. After all, when it comes to culture, confidence, and craft, the barbershop is CEO. Barbering has been shaping men since Tutankhamun–no cap. And it’s because of the people and the place. Coming to the…

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Esthetician vs Aesthetician: What’s the difference?

Esthetician or aesthetician wearing a clear plastic face mask puts paper on client’s face to perform a skin specialist procedure.

If you’ve ever embarked on a skincare specialist journey, then Google’s probably thrown you for the esthetician vs aesthetician loop at some point. Or maybe you just finished all your training and never considered the difference between aestheticians and estheticians—only to see the “aesthetician” title on your diploma when you swore your program was for…

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Injury From Massage: How to Avoid Massage Therapy Injuries

Man standing in an apartment holding his lower back in pain, with a circle around his lower spine indicating inflammation and discomfort after an injury from massage.

As a massage therapist, you want to give your clients a case of the ahhhs. You want to decrease their pain and soreness, improve their sleep, lower their stress, and help them relax. But massage therapy injuries can quickly turn your clients’ relieved ahhhs into pain-induced AAAHs! This happened to one woman in New Jersey…

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How to Deal with Difficult Clients as a Massage Therapist

Massage therapist massaging older woman’s back representing dealing with difficult customers and massage therapy complaints

Hey, massage therapists: Have you heard these common complaints before? You used too much pressure! You didn’t use enough pressure! Answering the phone? Not okay! It smells bad in here! These massage feedback examples are familiar for a reason: Everyone has experienced (or will experience) dealing with difficult clients. Whether you’re new to the massage…

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