About Our Professional Beauty, Fitness, and Wellness Liability Insurance for Your Business

Woman stands in a balancing yoga tree pose facing away from the camera toward mountains and lush, green trees. She stands tall and confident, like someone backed by professional beauty, fitness, and wellness liability insurance for your business.

Health, fitness, and beauty services are like the people who receive them: No two are exactly the same. Two spas can advertise identical facials, knowing that each esthetician will have a slightly different technique–just as each client will have a slightly different skincare journey. 

Whether you heal the body from the inside or make it glow from the outside, you need more than a one-size-fits-all resource, because your business is anything but cookie cutter.

At WellnessPro, we’re passionate about providing professional beauty, fitness, and wellness liability insurance for your business. Whether you offer one service such as massages, or a massage-facial-waxing combo, our wellness, beauty, and massage insurance is flexible enough to grow with you. And it has what you need to protect against industry-specific claims you might face along the way. It’s the best professional liability insurance for consultants who do a little of this, a little of that, and a lot of what they love.

Curious about what comes with professional beauty and wellbeing liability insurance for your business? Ready to find out what our bodywork and beauty industry insurance can give you? 

Get to Know the Program

Professional beauty, fitness, and wellness liability insurance for your business: who’s a great fit?

It can be challenging to find insurance that “gets” you. You want to be a good fit so their claims-handling team and customer service understand your unique clients and risks.

Luckily, if your business offers fitness, nutrition, beauty, or integrative medicine services, then you’re likely a great fit for our program. 

WellnessPro provides insurance for professionals who offer services across multiple disciplines, too. For example, a fitness trainer who also gives nutrition advice could bundle both services under one policy.

Click the button to see all the professionals and services we cover (and those we exclude).

Top-Rated Beauty and Body Insurance

When shopping for professional beauty, fitness, and wellness liability insurance for your business, you’re looking for resources you can depend on. 

How can you tell the reputable insurance agencies apart from the rest? One avenue is to look at their carriers’ ratings. Third-party organizations evaluate insurance carriers (the people responsible for managing claims and policy pricing) to help consumers find the most ethical, trustworthy, and financially robust options.

Our insurance carrier is backed by the oldest insurance conglomerate in the world. This translates to incredible value for affordable rates (plus, better peace of mind).

Liability Coverage Limits

If you and your business are involved in a covered lawsuit, we’ll handle your defense fees, including legal fees and court costs–regardless of the claim’s outcome. 

Keep in mind, however, that certain limits apply. Limits are the total amount of money paid for a covered claim.

Under our liability insurance designed for wellness and beauty professionals, limits apply up to the following:

  • Policy aggregate: $3,000,000
  • General and professional liability per occurrence (per claim): $2,000,000 
  • Product liability: $2,000,000 
  • Fire damage to premises rented to you: $300,000

Same-Day Proof of Insurance

Need insurance for your beauty business, massage studio, or health and wellness practice ASAP? Get same-day proof of insurance right here on our website (or over the phone). No quotes. No hassles. Coverage starts the day after you join and can be future dated up to 90 days.

Click the button to start your business professional liability insurance journey now.

Adaptable Coverage Zones

Our fitness and wellness insurance follows you wherever you work. If your practice moves to another location, another workspace, or even to another state, so does your coverage. Whether you style hair in your salon, your home, or a client’s home, or give fitness advice in a clinic, fitness center, retirement center, or even airport, don’t stress. We’ve got you!

And what about us? WellnessPro Insurance is licensed in all 50 US states, as well as the District of Columbia.

Coverage for Additional Insureds

When you get wellness or beauty professional insurance as a sole proprietor, you’re issued a personal policy in your name. If you’re a sole proprietor, this is necessary to get your business fully insured.

Meanwhile, there are scenarios where professional beauty, fitness, and wellness liability insurance for your business should cover other parties, too.

For example, imagine you’re a hair stylist attending a huge bridal expo. To showcase your talents, you offer to curl a few brides’ hair at your expo booth. Your curling iron slips from your hand and it falls on a bride’s arm, burning her. The bride sues you and the expo center for her injuries. You’d want to name the expo center as an additional insured on your professional business insurance policy.

You can add additional insureds—like your business’s name, landlord, employer, or venue—for just $10 each. Employees, subcontractors, friends, or other work associates do not qualify as additional insureds.

Professional Beauty, Fitness, and Wellness Liability Insurance for Your Business Awaits

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