Tanner Weyland

Whether it's on social media with posts and videos or at events, Social Media and Events Specialist Tanner Weyland provides risk management education to wellness professionals nationwide. A Brigham Young University graduate with a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature, Tanner is a proven communicator with the ability to translate difficult insurance ideas into layman’s terms. In his spare time, Tanner enjoys taking road trips, playing card games, and making pizza with his wife.

Bride getting makeup done by a makeup artist who is considering makeup artist policies like refunds and cancellation

Makeup Artist Policies on Refunds and Cancellations: How to Avoid the Drama

By Tanner Weyland / May 20, 2024

“I don’t like her lifestyle.” This is how one bride on Facebook justified canceling her appointment with a well-reviewed, skilled makeup artist, says Your Tango. The “lifestyle” she referred to was that the makeup artist was unmarried, without kids, and seemed happy with it. While her complaint was surprising and unique, her request was not.…

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A hair stylist holding scissors with a repetitive strain injury from hairdressing

Cut, Cut, Cut: How to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury from Hairdressing

By Tanner Weyland / April 30, 2024

You’re cutting another client’s hair–the sixth of the day. As you run their hair between your fingers to trim the ends, your hand holding the shears begins to feel pins and needles. It’s going numb. You pause a moment, surprised, thinking that it must be because you haven’t let go of your shears in a…

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Map of the USA to find out the trickiest esthetician regulations by state.

The Trickiest State Requirements for Estheticians

By Tanner Weyland / April 23, 2024

Whether you’re an experienced esthetician or you’re hoping to get licensed in the near future, you’ve probably had these questions: Can I use my esthetician license in another state? Or can I transfer my esthetician license to another state if I move? And are other state requirements for estheticians trickier than my current state? You…

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Picture of a nail technician doing a cut during a pedicure.

Cuts at a Nail Salon: What can happen if you injure or infect a client?

By Tanner Weyland / April 16, 2024

The year was 2006, and a Maryland woman was getting a pedicure. As her nail technician was working on her calluses with a credo blade (also called a callus cutter), it slipped and cut the woman’s toe. Her toe began to bleed, which the technician immediately addressed with a first aid kit, but that was…

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Picture of woman with makeup allergies so makeup artists can avoid lawsuits

Lawsuits and Lipstick: How makeup artists can avoid makeup allergy lawsuits

By Tanner Weyland / April 2, 2024

You visit a client, a bride, to apply makeup before her wedding. Halfway through your application, she mentions that her eyes feel strange, and you notice the skin around her eyes swelling. You try to clean off the makeup, but the swelling continues, and an hour later, her eyes have nearly swollen shut. As she…

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